Partner with Love

The "I Love U Guys" Foundation has never gone it alone. Our work is the result of collaboration and partnerships with leaders - thought and action leaders - across the school safety and reunification space. We're a powerful conduit that unites the work of education, law enforcement, emergency management, psychologists, and first responders.

We will reach our mission of protecting the joy of youth through consistent and positive safety programs in all schools, and we'll reach it with the help of others.

The "Partner With Love" program allows individuals and organizations to help The "I Love U Guys" Foundation by making financial contributions that help us reach our goals faster. We're glad you found us. Please take a moment and explore the ways you or your organization can "Partner With Love".

The I Love U Guys Foundation Logo

US Public School District Program Usage

This map represents just a portion of the schools, districts, departments, agencies and organizations using our programs.

Foundation Programs are a Catalyst


The I Love U Guys Foundation pioneers practices and works with seasoned stakeholders to develop and deliver the most relevant programs and training, motivating people to make their schools and communities safer.

I had no idea of the scale of work the Foundation does.

Kay G. Elementary School Principal

Today, nearly 30,000 schools, districts, departments, agencies and organizations are using our programs. Representing millions of students, adults, and first responders. And, what makes our programs unique is the fact that often they are a catalyst within an organization to do more. Implementing our programs shows the people within an organization that accomplishment is achievable.

Straight Line: From Funding to Mission

Partner with Love

Force Multipliers

Folks occasionally express astonishment about the size of the Foundation compared to the national impact footprint. Our programs are being used in over 30,000 schools, districts, departments, agencies, organizations and municipalities in 11 countries.

Part of the secret is Force Multipliers. We work directly with influencers and decision makers. The people within an organization that can implement our programs. We also work with influential umbrella organizations. State and national training organizations and associations. Insurance pools. Municipalities. School safety centers. State Departments of Education.

Explore the options below. Then let us know where you want to fit.

Partner with Love

When it comes to protecting the joy of youth, everyone has a role. Everyone. We facilitate force multipliers: Companies, organizations and individuals of various sizes and means who want a proactive way to align with or support the work of school safety.

Because we'll only get there together, and with love.

Mission Partners

More than simply a sponsorship, The "I Love U Guys" Foundation Mission Partners engage in true social enterprise and promote programs and services.

Raptor Technologies
School Safe Communications
C3 Pathways

Curriculum Adopters

The "I Love U Guys" Foundation works with organizations to localize materials and provide training.

The Jeffco DeAngelis Foundation

City and County of Denver

Texas Association of School Boards Risk Management Fund

Oregon School Board Association Property and Casualty Coverage for Education

Colorado School District Self Insurance Pool

Texas School Safety Center

Training Underwriters

Organizations that fund training opportunities

Global CTI

Special Thanks

Organizations supporting us.

Thank the North Texas Fire Marshals Conference for their generous contribution.
February 4-6 2020
Great Wolf Lodge, Grapevine, Texas.
Thank you Ken Caryl Glass
12450 N Mead Way, Littleton, CO 80125
Thank the Chicago West Suburban CPCU Society for their generous contribution.
December 5th 2019
Please join us at the CPCU holiday party!

Meet the board

Meet the staff


Carly Posey

Mission Director

With experience in both the private and non-profit sectors, Carly joined the Foundation in March of 2018.


Ellen Stoddard-Keyes

Operations Director

One of the Co-Founders of the Foundation in 2006, Ellen became full-time in 2017.


John-Michael Keyes

Executive Director

One of the Co-Founders of the Foundation in 2006, John-Michael became full-time in 2009.


Feed Media


It may seem odd to list our communications firm under the heading of staff, but our team from Feed Media has become part of the family.


To restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations and government entities.


The I Love U Guys Foundation pioneers practices and works with seasoned stakeholders to develop and deliver the most relevant programs and training, motivating people to make their schools and communities safer.


Our goal is to reply to every request, but the volume of correspondence is sometimes overwhelming.
Please embrace patience, and don't hesitate in trying again if we've exceeded your comfort zone.

Mailing Address

The "I Love U Guys" Foundation
PO Box 919
Conifer, CO 80433

Answering Service



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